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Careers Department


The aims of the department are to:


  • Equip students with the knowledge and skills that they need to make realistic and informed decisions about their learning and work through a programme of careers education;

  • Provide supportive, impartial careers advice and guidance to students on the range of options available to them at times which best meet the needs of the student.





The Careers Team consists of a Head of Careers who, along with a number of staff,  is responsible for the delivery of a coherent and cohesive careers programme from year 8-14. 


The careers team co-ordinates the school’s work experience programmes and looks after the day-to-day administration of the department.

Students have the opportunity to gain work experience in both Year 12 and Year 13 and enterprise activities are run across all year groups.

All students have access to impartial careers advice from staff and our partners in the Careers Advisory Service. In Year 12 all students have an individual interview with the DEL officer on post 16 options.

We greatly value our links with parents and we attend a number of parents’ evenings throughout the year.
Parents can also contact us during the school day to discuss courses or careers that are of interest to their son or daughter.

Careers Guidance Interviews


Students from any year group who would like to discuss their career and learning choices can make an individual appointment with a school careers adviser or an independent careers adviser by calling into the careers suite. Form tutors and other pastoral staff can also refer individual pupils at times when it is felt that they will particularly benefit from one-to-one careers advice.

All Year 12 students are encouraged to take up face-to-face advice and guidance from a careers adviser to help them explore a variety of education and career options and draw up an individual careers action plan to help them make a successful transition to post-16 learning.

During their time in the sixth form students are also encouraged to arrange at least one face-to-face appointment with a careers adviser during their free periods. Students can also have follow up appointments or ongoing contact through careers classes. Parents are very welcome to attend appointments or to contact the careers department.


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