At Fivemiletown College we value skills, achievement, and the desire for knowledge along with application and effort.
The Geography Department aim to: -
provide a variety of experiences/activities during a course of study and during a lesson.
use a form of reward system, e.g., House point system, star system etc; to experience a sense of achievement.
Encouraged students to practice the following skills throughout a unit of work:
Conceptualising Skills
Hypothesising Skills
Investigative Skills
Interpretative Skills
Evaluation Skills
Communication Skills
Follow the National Curriculum Key Stage 3 Geography along with GCSE and GCE syllabi.
To develop in students a respect for differing cultures and an empathy with people in our own and other societies.
Key Stage 3
Year 8 ​
What is Geography?
Caring for the environment
Year 9
Rivers, weathering, and coasts
World issues
Year 10
Volcanoes and earthquakes
World development
Key Stage 4
GCSE Geography builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed in Key Stage 3 Geography.
Exam Board: CCEA
​Assessment for this unit is a written examination that includes both short response questions and extended writing questions.
Unit 1 - Understanding Our Natural World (40%)
​Theme A: River Environments (25%)
Theme B: Coastal Environments (25%)
Theme C: Our Changing Weather and Climate (25%)
Theme D: The Restless Earth (25%)
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
Unit 2 - Living in Our World (40%)
​Theme A: Population and Migration (25%)
Theme B: Changing Urban Areas (25%)
Theme C: Contrasts in World Development (25%)
Theme D: Managing Our Environment (25%)
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
Unit 3 - Fieldwork (20%)
External written examination 1 hour
​Students base their answers on their knowledge and experience of fieldwork. Students must bring their completed fieldwork booklet (as supplied by CCEA), which includes a fieldwork statement and table of data
Key Stage 5
Exam Board: CCEA
The Geography GCE specification has a modular structure. Students must study three units at AS level and three units at A2 Level.
​Students can take: the AS course as a final qualification; or the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification.
AS 1: Physical Geography (40% of AS / 16% of A level)
External written examination 1 hour 15 mins
​Section A: students answer three short, structured questions, one on each theme.
​Section B: there are three questions requiring extended writing, one on each theme. Students answer any two questions.
AS 2: Human Geography (40% of AS /16% of A level)
External written examination 1 hour 15 mins
​Section A: students answer three short, structured questions, one on each theme.
Section B: there are three questions requiring extended writing, one on each theme. Students answer any two questions.
AS 3: Fieldwork Skills and Techniques in Geography (20% of AS / 8% of A level)
External written examination 1 hour
Students must bring a completed fieldwork booklet as supplied by CCEA. It must include the fieldwork statement and table of data.
A2 1: Physical Processes, Landforms and Management (24% of A level)
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
​The paper has four parts. Each part corresponds to one of the four options and includes two structured questions. Students answer two questions, one from each of their two chosen options.
A2 2: Processes and Issues in Human Geography (24% of A level)
​External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
​The paper has four parts. Each part corresponds to one of the four options and includes two structured questions. Students answer two questions, one from each of their two chosen options.
A2 3: Decision Making in Geography (12% of A level)
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
This is a compulsory decision-making exercise in the form of a case study.